Saturday, September 19, 2009

Spacecraft Propulsion Systems

Spacecraft propulsion systems

According to modern spacecraft propulsion theory, rockets are launched, to quote M. Williamson, in the "same direction as the earth's rotation, thus saving energy by imparting a velocity of almost 1700 km ... second booster - the apogee kick motor (AKM) ...".

M. Williamson 1984 Physics in Technology 15 284-90.

Robert Sungenis of the Bellarmine Theological Forum, however, has commented differently (in a recent e-mail), that:

"As for the supposed boost, the same forces will be present in a rotating universe around a fixed earth as a rotating earth in a fixed universe. All centrifugal, Coriolis and Euler forces will be identical. This has been shown mathematically by Barbour and Bertotti and many others, including Einstein himself. That's why Einstein said there is no difference between the two models".

Monday, September 14, 2009

A Review of "Galileo Was Wrong …and so was Einstein Volume I – The Scientific Evidence"

Disclaimer: Whilst the AMAIC substantially endorses this view,
it does not necessarily accept it in every detail.

[Review by Eric Bermingham]

Galileo Was Wrong …and so was Einstein Volume I – The Scientific Evidence

Includes CD-ROM with pictures, animation and entire text of book
Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. and Robert Bennett, Ph.D.
Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., 2006
678 pages $49.95 + $10.00 S&H

Available from: Catholic Apologetics International PO Box 278 State Line, PA 17263 1-800-531-6393 or on the web at Related items (T-shirts, mugs, hats, bumper stickers, etc.) also available at:


Have you ever thought that the modern world has gone stark, raving mad? Does it seem to you that the present disorder is a result of the questioning of God’s word; a replay of the events which occurred thousands of years ago in the Garden of Eden? You are not alone. Drs. Sungenis and Bennett have exposed one of the primary causes of this disorder in Galileo Was Wrong – probably the most comprehensive book written on geocentrism.

Reveals what most scientists are afraid to admit – there is no evidence that the Earth is moving and considerable evidence that we are motionless in the center of the Universe.

Brings to light the fact that Galileo never proved that the Earth moved around the Sun, and that late in life he recanted his position in favor of geocentrism.

Shows that Einstein developed his convoluted Relativity theories primarily to avoid accepting a stationary Earth, and that he was wrong.

Demonstrates that the Cosmic Principle – otherwise known as the Copernican Principle – is the most sacrosanct belief of modern science, even more than Evolution, primarily because it undermines the authority of the Bible and the Church.

Quotes from Blessed Hildegard von Bingen, an eleventh century German mystic, who had visions of many things concerning the material world including the operation of the cosmos. She could be called the patron saint of geocentrists.

Divulges disturbing details in the personal lives of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton and Einstein. Shows what happens when people free themselves from the moral constraints of the Bible and the Church.

Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. is the founder and president of Catholic Apologetics International. He is the author of many books and articles on religion, politics, science and culture. He has appeared on radio and television, including programs on CNN, the BBC and EWTN. He is also an advisory council member of The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation. He authored all of the text of this book except for Chapter 12.

Robert Bennett, Ph.D. holds a doctorate in General Relativity from Stevens Institute of Technology. He has spent many years teaching physics and mathematics. He also is an advisory council member of The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation. He wrote Chapter 12, a technical and mathematical explanation of the various arguments for geocentrism.

Volume I of Galileo Was Wrong presents the scientific evidence for geocentrism. Volume II, to be published at a later date, will deal with the ecclesiastical and patristic evidence. The scientific evidence is being presented first because in the modern world, natural science has taken over theology as the final arbiter of truth in the minds of most people. It would therefore be futile to argue for geocentrism from a theological or metaphysical point of view without first addressing the scientific questions.

So what does it matter if the Earth is going around the sun or if the sun is going around the Earth? One could also ask if it matters whether evolution is true and the universe is billions and billions of years old, or if everything was created in six days only thousands of years ago. As long as we believe that God is responsible for it all, who cares? Is it not true that: “The Holy Spirit intended to teach us in the Bible how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go," as Galileo is supposed to have said?

Pope Benedict XV in Spiritus Paraclitus (Sept. 15, 1920), upholding the inerrancy of all Scripture, notes that it is not surprising that modern scientific theories are not in agreement with the Bible: “... by these precepts and limits [set by the Fathers of the Church] the opinion of the more recent critics is not restrained, who, after introducing a distinction between the primary or religious element of Scripture, and the secondary or profane, wish, indeed, that inspiration itself pertain to all the ideas, rather even to the individual words of the Bible, but that its effects and especially immunity from error and absolute truth be contracted and narrowed to the primary or religious element. For their belief is that only which concerns religion is intended and is taught by God in the Scriptures; but that the rest, which pertains to the profane disciplines and serves revealed doctrine as a kind of external cloak of divine truth, is only permitted and is left to the feebleness of the writer. It is not surprising then, if in physical, historical, and other similar affairs a great many things occur in the Bible, which cannot at all be reconciled with the progress of the fine arts of this age.”

Ernst Mayr, one of the most influential evolutionists of all time, said that perhaps Darwin’s greatest contribution was that he developed a new set of principles: the living world, through evolution, can be explained without recourse to supernaturalism. In other words, God is not necessary. It is generally agreed that Darwin eventually lost his Christian faith. Mayr also said that almost every component in modern man’s belief system is somehow affected by Darwinian principles.

In the introduction to Steven Hawking's Brief History of Time, Carl Sagan wrote that modern astronomers envision “a universe with no edge in space, no beginning or end in time, and nothing for a Creator to do.” Sagan also wrote that, “we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.” Steven Hawking lost his Christian faith and has become an atheist. His book has sold more than nine million copies worldwide.

Somehow those who accept purely materialistic scientific theories as true end up losing any faith in a supernatural God. Many want to be free of the moral restraints of the Bible and the Church, especially those related to sexual morals. Others may experience tragedies in life and wonder how a loving, all-powerful God could allow such events to occur. Some, being scandalized by the bad actions of those in positions of religious authority, conclude that rules were only created to consolidate power and maintain control over the common people. However, a complete rejection of God is inexcusable, as St. Paul says in his letter to the Romans.

Putting these types of arguments aside, Drs. Sungenis and Bennett have compiled a tome which shows that geocentrism is not contradicted by any scientific observations. They examine all the evidence; starting from Copernicus and continuing all the way to recent developments. All told, geocentrism has never been proven false and many facts support it.

The book starts off with the Galileo case. It is generally known that papal bulls condemned the idea that the Earth moves around the Sun and that it rotates about its axis as being contrary to Scripture. While not reaching the level of dogmatic definitions, these bulls were authoritative and have never been officially renounced by the Church. Galileo was condemned to house arrest and his works were placed on the Index of forbidden books. What is not so well known is that there is evidence that Galileo recanted his position in favor of geocentrism late in life

Galileo Was Wrong shows how the system worked out by Copernicus was neither simpler, nor more accurate than the Ptolemaic system. Ptolemy had an immovable Earth in the center with the planets, Sun and stars moving around it. Copernicus put the Sun in the center with the Earth, planets and stars orbiting it.

At about the same time as the Galileo affair, Tycho Brahe came up with another system with the Earth fixed at the center, the Sun and stars moving around the Earth, and the planets moving around the Sun. A modern, neo-Tychonic model has the stars moving around the Sun. Yet another model is the galactocentric universe with the Milky Way galaxy at the center of the universe. Of course, most astronomers today accept the acentric/homogeneous model with no center and everything uniform in all directions.

In any of the modern systems the relative motion of the heavenly bodies is basically the same. It is just a question of where the center is and what, if anything, is at rest. Unfortunately, the evidence in favor of the supernaturally-designed, Biblically-based, Church-affirmed, Earth-centered universe is just not presented in public. For too many people, that would be “unthinkable.”

When Galileo contended for a Sun-centered universe, most scientists knew that he had not proven his case. Galileo only came up with arguments that seemed reasonable. In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, experiments were devised to show just how fast the Earth was moving around the Sun. Many of these experiments were performed with interferometers.

Light beams can be measured as waves. A light beam can also be split and the two beams can be bounced off mirrors and reflected back the same point. An interferometer at that point can show a difference in the distance traveled by the light beams as a phase difference.

At the time these experiments were being performed, it was assumed that light traveled in space through a medium which was called “ether.” This is not the hydrocarbon gas, but a name given to that “something” which fills the space between the heavenly bodies. Scientists accepted that something must fill space and that light must travel through it. Furthermore, it was assumed that the ether was stationary and that light moved through it at a constant speed, much as sound travels through air at a constant speed.

It was assumed that the Earth moved through the ether in its motion about the Sun, and it was the motion of the Earth through the ether that the interferometer experiments were designed to detect. The result of the experiments was that little or no motion of the Earth through the ether was detected. One possible solution to this problematic observation was that the Earth was not moving. But to modern scientists, this was unacceptable. Some other solution had to be devised. Enter Einstein.

Instead of an Earth absolutely at rest, Einstein proposed that the speed of light was constant, relative to the observer. That is where the “relativity” comes from. Unfortunately, time and space had to be reconsidered if the speed of light was to remain a constant. There was no experimental evidence to suggest this, only his “thought experiments.” Although Einstein rejected the ether in his Special Relativity theory, he brought the concept back in his General theory which assigned properties to “space.” This space with properties was essentially no different than the previously proposed ether.

One of Einstein’s most vociferous critics was scientist Hebert Dingle. He came up with a simple criticism of Special Relativity which no one has been able to adequately answer:

According to the theory, if you have two exactly similar clocks, A and B, and one is moving with respect to the other, they must work at different rates, i.e., one works more slowly than the other. But the theory also requires that you cannot distinguish which clock is the “moving” one; it is equally true to say that A rests while B moves and that B rests while A moves. The question therefore arises: how does one determine, consistently with the theory, which clock works the more slowly? Unless this question is answerable, the theory unavoidably requires that A works more slowly than B and B more slowly than A – which it requires no super-intelligence to see is impossible. Now, clearly, a theory that requires an impossibility cannot be true, and scientific integrity requires, therefore, either the question just posed shall be answered, or else that the theory shall be acknowledged to be false.

A good deal of other scientific evidence for geocentrism is presented such as the spherical distribution of gamma-ray bursts, quasars, x-ray bursts, and galaxies around a central Earth. The typical arguments for an orbiting, rotating Earth – such as the Foucault pendulum and the Coriolis force – are refuted.

The chapter on the revelations of Blessed Hildegard von Bingen is worth the cost of the book itself. She was given visions concerning the firmament and its rotation, the motion of the Sun and planets, the cause of the seasons, the cause of gravity, the effect of the stars on our weather and more.

This book demonstrates that any coherent theory of the operation of the universe needs a fixed point of reference. There is no scientific proof against a stationary Earth and much evidence to support it. After examining the experiments to test the movement of the Earth, Hendrik Lorentz, one of Einstein’s contemporaries, admitted: “Briefly, everything occurs as if the Earth were at rest…” The Bible, the Church and Blessed Hildegard all say that the Earth is motionless at the center of the universe. There is no reason to doubt it.

The hardcopy book has no index, but the text on the CD-ROM can be searched. The only negative things that I can say about the book are that it contains some typos, and the Table of Contents does not always accurately reflect the correct page numbers. You do, however, need to be a determined reader to get through it all.

Galileo Was Wrong is well worth the cost and the time invested in reading. No other book presents the amount of evidence that this one does that a geocentric world-view is scientifically valid. Reading it has convinced me that a return to geocentrism is necessary for a return to sanity in this world.

Eric Bermingham
May 29, 2007

A Review of "Galileo Was Wrong ..." Vol II

Galileo was Wrong II - Book Review

Disclaimer: Whilst the AMAIC substantially endorses this view,
it does not necessarily accept it in every detail.
A Review of "Galileo Was Wrong:
The Church Was Right Volume II – The Historical Case for Geocentrism"
by Eric Bermingham
Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right Volume II: The Historical Case for Geocentrism

Includes CD-ROM with pictures, animation and entire text of book
Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. Catholic Apologetics International Publishing, Inc., 2007
400 pages $40.50 + $10.00 SandH

Available from: Catholic Apologetics International PO Box 278 State Line, PA 17263 1-800-531-6393 or on the web at Related items (T-shirts, mugs, hats, bumper stickers, etc.) also available at:

This is the second of two volumes on geocentrism by Dr. Robert Sungenis. Volume I of Galileo Was Wrong presented the scientific evidence for geocentrism. Volume II deals with the scriptural, patristic, and ecclesiastical evidence. After having shown that there is no scientific evidence that the Earth is moving in Volume I, Dr. Sungenis moves on in Volume II to demonstrate that the Bible, the Church Fathers, and the Magisterium have always upheld the immemorial teaching of an immobile Earth. Included in both volumes is a description of the revelations given to the saintly Hildegard von Bingen regarding the operation of the universe.
Robert Sungenis, Ph.D. is the founder and president of Catholic Apologetics International. He is the author of many books and articles on religion, politics, science and culture. He has appeared on radio and television, including programs on CNN, the BBC and EWTN. He is also an advisory council member of The Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation.
Volume II of Galileo Was Wrong starts off with quotes from various scientists who recognize that there are serious problems with the currently accepted model of the universe. It is shown how well-known scientists have been compelled by motives other than that of seeking the truth. Ambition, envy and arrogance seem to be the driving force behind their pursuits. The lives of Copernicus, Galilieo, Kepler, Newton and Einstein are examined in detail. The revelations are disturbing.
A long list of scriptural passages is then examined in detail to show that the Bible never describes the Earth as anything but stationary, however, the Sun, moon, and stars are all depicted as moving. The verses given the most attention are from Joshua 10 where the Sun and moon are commanded by Joshua to stand still until the Israelites could conquer their enemies. Opponents of geocentrism are quick to deny the literal interpretation of this passage since it clearly indicates a stationary Earth. It is quite interesting that there is other historical evidence for this event. The ancient Chinese, Babylonians, Egyptians, and Persians have legends of a long day, and the Mexican indigenous people have a legend of a long night (they were on the other side of the world).
Next it is shown how the early Church Fathers and Medieval Theologians were in agreement on a stationary Earth. This is discussed, along with the length of the Genesis day, the firmament, and a spherical Earth.
The Catholic Church’s teaching on geocentrism is examined in detail going back to the Galileo case. It is shown how the Church never wavered from her constant teaching on Biblically-based geocentrism. Even modern investigations of Galileo have not nullified the perennial teachings.
A chapter is devoted to the interpretation of Genesis I and its geocentric implications. Modern scholars always question the literal meaning of these passages in their attempt to support current notions of the age and structure of the universe. They even go so far as to suggest that Genesis contains historical errors of fact, in opposition to the constant Church teaching of the Bible’s inerrancy.
The last chapter of the book is devoted to the revelations of Hildegard concerning the operation of the cosmos. Her revelations are probably the most detailed description we have on this topic. Modern science is continually surprised by the latest findings because there is so little understanding of the fundamental principles. Hildegard explains the working of the universe for us in fairly simple language.
First of all, she reveals that the Earth is in the center of a universe that is finite and spherical. It rotates around the Earth which itself has no movement; the classic geocentric universe. She describes the universe as six concentric layers. The outer layers contain water and fire, or what we would call plasma, and the inner layers contain air, or what we might call ether. The elements of earth, air, fire, and water are kept in a delicate balance.
The rotation of the universe is accomplished by the twelve cosmic winds. Hildegard says that there is neither movement nor force without these cosmic winds. Sungenis suggests that the winds cause gravitational waves which produce a pressure effect towards the center of the universe, which holds the Earth in place.
Hildegard also says that in each of the elements, there indwells an air that corresponds to its nature. Sungenis suggests that this air, or ether, is the cause of gravity. The ether penetrates everything except subatomic particles and so it fills the space between an atom’s nucleus and its electrons. It is extremely dense and so the atom’s nucleus, which contains no ether, is lighter than the ether that surrounds it. A local concentration of atomic nuclei, such as a planet or other large mass, will cause an “ether vacuum” that the ether will seek to fill. This buoyancy effect is the physical cause of gravity.
In addition to the twelve cosmic winds, there are sixteen controlling stars which keep the universe in order. One of the more interesting contentions is that the weather on Earth is directly affected by the stars.
Volume II of Galileo Was Wrong is an excellent companion to Volume I. I know of no other books that present the geocentric world-view so convincingly. Now that the pillars of Evolution have started to crumble, it is time to start examining the foundation of sand upon which the Copernican model of the universe is built.
Eric Bermingham
June 2008

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Saint Albert the Great


St. Albertus Magnus

Known as Albert the Great; scientist, philosopher, and theologian, born c. 1206; died at Cologne, 15 November 1280. He is called "the Great", and "Doctor Universalis" (Universal Doctor), in recognition of his extraordinary genius and extensive knowledge, for he was proficient in every branch of learning cultivated in his day, and surpassed all his contemporaries, except perhaps Roger Bacon (1214-94), in the knowledge of nature. Ulrich Engelbert, a contemporary, calls him the wonder and the miracle of his age: "Vir in omni scientia adeo divinus, ut nostri temporis stupor et miraculum congrue vocari possit" (De summo bono, tr. III, iv).


Albert, eldest son of the Count of Bollstädt, was born at Lauingen, Swabia, in the year 1205 or 1206, though many historians give it as 1193. Nothing certain is known of his primary or preparatory education, which was received either under the paternal roof or in a school of the neighbourhood. As a youth he was sent to pursue his studies at the University of Padua; that city being chosen either because his uncle resided there, or because Padua was famous for its culture of the liberal arts, for which the young Swabian had a special predilection. The date of this journey to Padua cannot be accurately determined. In the year 1223 he joined the Order of St. Dominic, being attracted by the preaching of Blessed Jordan of Saxony second Master General of the Order. Historians do not tell us whether Albert's studies were continued at Padua, Bologna, Paris, or Cologne. After completing his studies he taught theology at Hildesheim, Freiburg (Breisgau), Ratisbon, Strasburg, and Cologne. He was in the convent of Cologne, interpreting Peter Lombard's "Book of the Sentences", when, in 1245, he was ordered to repair to Paris. There he received the Doctor's degree in the university which, above all others, was celebrated as a school of theology. It was during this period of reaching at Cologne and Paris that he counted amongst his hearers St. Thomas Aquinas, then a silent, thoughtful youth, whose genius he recognized and whose future greatness he foretold. The disciple accompanied his master to Paris in 1245, and returned with him, in 1248, to the new Studium Generale of Cologne, in which Albert was appointed Regent, whilst Thomas became second professor and Magister Studentium (Master of Students). In 1254 Albert was elected Provincial of his Order in Germany. He journeyed to Rome in 1256, to defend the Mendicant Orders against the attacks of William of St. Amour, whose book, "De novissimis temporum periculis", was condemned by Pope Alexander IV, on 5 October, 1256. During his sojourn in Rome Albert filled the office of Master of the Sacred Palace (instituted in the time of St. Dominic), and preached on the Gospel of St. John and the Canonical Epistles. He resigned the office of Provincial in 1257 in order to devote himself to study and to teaching. At the General Chapter of the Dominicans held at Valenciennes in 1250, with St. Thomas Aquinas and Peter of Tarentasia (afterwards Pope Innocent V), he drew up rules for the direction of studies, and for determining the system of graduation, in the Order. In the year 1260 he was appointed Bishop of Ratisbon. Humbert de Romanis, Master General of the Dominicans, being loath to lose the services of the great Master, endeavoured to prevent the nomination, but was unsuccessful. Albert governed the diocese until 1262, when, upon the acceptance of his resignation, he voluntarily resumed the duties of a professor in the Studium at Cologne. In the year 1270 he sent a memoir to Paris to aid St. Thomas in combating Siger de Brabant and the Averroists. This was his second special treatise against the Arabian commentator, the first having been written in 1256, under the title "De Unitate Intellectus Contra Averroem". He was called by Pope Gregory X to attend the Council of Lyons (1274) in the deliberations of which he took an active part. The announcement of the death of St. Thomas at Fossa Nuova, as he was proceeding to the Council, was a heavy blow to Albert, and he declared that "The Light of the Church" had been extinguished. It was but natural that he should have grown to love his distinguished, saintly pupil, and it is said that ever afterwards he could not restrain his tears whenever the name of St. Thomas was mentioned. Something of his old vigour and spirit returned in 1277 when it was announced that Stephen Tempier and others wished to condemn the writings of St. Thomas, on the plea that they were too favourable to the unbelieving philosophers, and he journeyed to Paris to defend the memory of his disciple. Some time after 1278 (in which year he drew up his testament) he suffered a lapse of memory; his strong mind gradually became clouded; his body, weakened by vigils, austerities, and manifold labours, sank under the weight of years. He was beatified by Pope Gregory XV in 1622; his feast is celebrated on the 15th of November. The Bishops of Germany, assembled at Fulda in September, 1872, sent to the Holy See a petition for his canonization; he was finally canonized in 1931.


Two editions of Albert's complete works (Opera Omnia) have been published; one at Lyons in 1651, in twenty-one folio volumes, edited by Father Peter Jammy, O.P., the other at Paris (Louis Vivès), 1890-99, in thirty-eight quarto volumes, published under the direction of the Abbé Auguste Borgnet, of the diocese of Reims. Paul von Loë gives the chronology of Albert's writings the "Analecta Bollandiada" (De Vita et scriptis B. Alb. Mag., XIX, XX, and XXI). The logical order is given by P. Mandonnet, O.P., in Vacant's "Dictionnaire de théologie catholique". The following list indicates the subjects of the various treatises, the numbers referring to the volumes of Borgnet's edition. Logic: seven treatises (I. 2). Physical Sciences: "Physicorum" (3); "De Coelo et Mundo", "De Generatione et Corruptione". "Meteororum" (4); "Mineralium" (5); "De Natura locorum", " De passionibus aeris" (9). Biological: "De vegetabilibus et plantis" (10) " De animalibus" (11-12); "De motibus animalium", "De nutrimento et nutribili", "De aetate", "De morte et vita", "De spiritu et respiratione" (9). Psychological: "De Anima" (5); "De sensu et sensato", "De Memoria, et reminiscentia", "De somno et vigilia", "De natura et origine animae", "De intellectu et intelligibili", "De unitate intellectus" (9). The foregoing subjects, with the exception of Logic, are treated compendiously in the "Philosophia pauperum" (5). Moral and Political: "Ethicorum" (7); "Politocorum (8). Metaphysical: "Metaphysicorum" (6); "De causis et processu universitatis" (10). Theological: "Commentary on the works of Denis the Aereopagite" (14); "Commentary on the Sentences of the Lombard" (25-30); "Summa Theologiae" (31-33); "Summa de creaturis" (34-35); "De sacramento Eucharistiae" (38); "Super evangelium missus est" (37). Exegetical: "Commentaries on the Psalms and Prophets" (15-19); "Commentaries on the Gospels" (20-24); "On the Apocalypse" (38). Sermons (13). The "Quindecim problemata contra Averroistas" was edited by Mandonnet in his "Siger de Brabant" (Freiburg, 1899). The authenticity of the following works is not established: "De apprehensione" (5); "Speculum astronomicum" (5); "De alchimia" (38); Scriptum super arborem Aristotelis" (38); "Paradisus animae" (37); "Liber de Adhaerendo Deo" (37); "De Laudibus B. Virginis" (36); "Biblia Mariana" (37).


The influence exerted by Albert on the scholars of his own day and on those of subsequent ages was naturally great. His fame is due in part to the fact that he was the forerunner, the guide and master of St. Thomas Aquinas, but he was great in his own name, his claim to distinction being recognized by his contemporaries and by posterity. It is remarkable that thisfriar of the Middle Ages, in the midst of his many duties as a religious, as provincial of his order, as bishop and papal legate, as preacher of a crusade, and while making many laborious journeys from Cologne to Paris and Rome, and frequent excursions into different parts of Germany, should have been able to compose a veritable encyclopedia, containing scientific treatises on almost every subject, and displaying an insight into nature and a knowledge of theology which surprised his contemporaries and still excites the admiration of learned men in our own times. He was, in truth, a Doctor Universalis. Of him it in justly be said: Nil tetigit quod non ornavit; and there is no exaggeration in the praises of the modern critic who wrote: "Whether we consider him as a theologian or as a philosopher, Albert was undoubtedly one of the most extraordinary men of his age; I might say, one of the most wonderful men of genius who appeared in past times" (Jourdain, Recherches Critiques). Philosophy, in the days of Albert, was a general science embracing everything that could be known by the natural powers of the mind; physics, mathematics, and metaphysics. In his writings we do not, it is true, find the distinction between the sciences and philosophy which recent usage makes. It will, however, be convenient to consider his skill in the experimental sciences, his influence on scholastic philosophy, his theology.

Albert and the experimental sciences

It is not surprising that Albert should have drawn upon the sources of information which his time afforded, and especially upon the scientific writings of Aristotle. Yet he says: "The aim of natural science is not simply to accept the statements [narrata] of others, but to investigate the causes that are at work in nature" (De Miner., lib. II, tr. ii, i). In his treatise on plants he lays down the principle: Experimentum solum certificat in talibus (Experiment is the only safe guide in such investigations). (De Veg., VI, tr. ii, i). Deeply versed as he was in theology, he declares: "In studying nature we have not to inquire how God the Creator may, as He freely wills, use His creatures to work miracles and thereby show forth His power: we have rather to inquire what Nature with its immanent causes can naturally bring to pass" (De Coelo et Mundo, I, tr. iv, x). And though, in questions of natural science, he would prefer Aristotle to St. Augustine (In 2, Sent. dist. 13, C art. 2), he does not hesitate to criticize the Greek philosopher. "Whoever believes that Aristotle was a god, must also believe that he never erred. But if one believe that Aristotle was a man, then doubtless he was liable to error just as we are." (Physic. lib. VIII, tr. 1, xiv). In fact Albert devotes a lengthy chapter to what he calls "the errors of Aristotle" (Sum. Theol. P. II, tr. i, quaest. iv). In a word, his appreciation of Aristotle is critical. He deserves credit not only for bringing the scientific teaching of the Stagirite to the attention of medieval scholars, but also for indicating the method and the spirit in which that teaching was to be received. Like his contemporary, Roger Bacon (1214-94), Albert was an indefatigable student of nature, and applied himself energetically to the experimental sciences with such remarkable success that he has been accused of neglecting the sacred sciences (Henry of Ghent, De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis, II, x). Indeed, many legends have been circulated which attribute to him the power of a magician or sorcerer. Dr. Sighart (Albertus Magnus) examined these legends, and endeavoured to sift the truth from false or exaggerated stories. Other biographers content themselves with noting the fact that Albert's proficiency in the physical sciences was the foundation on which the fables were constructed. The truth lies between the two extremes. Albert was assiduous in cultivating the natural sciences; he was an authority on physics, geography, astronomy, mineralogy, chemistry (alchimia), zoölogy, physiology, and even phrenology. On all these subjects his erudition was vast, and many of his observations are of permanent value. Humboldt pays a high tribute to his knowledge of physical geography (Cosmos, II, vi). Meyer* writes (Gesch. der Botanik): "No botanist who lived before Albert can be compared with him, unless it be Theophrastus, with whom he was not acquainted; and after him none has painted nature in such living colours, or studied it so profoundly, until the time of Conrad, Gesner, and Cesalpini. All honour, then, to the man who made such astonishing progress in the science of nature as to find no one, I will not say to surpass, but even to equal him for the space of three centuries." The list of his published works is sufficient vindication from the charge of neglecting theology and the Sacred Scriptures. On the other hand, he expressed contempt for everything that savoured of enchantment or the art of magic: "Non approbo dictum Avicennae et Algazel de fascinatione, quia credo quod non nocet fascinatio, nec nocere potest ars magica, nec facit aliquid ex his quae timentur de talibus" (See Quétif, I, 167). That he did not admit the possibility of making gold by alchemy or the use of the philosopher's stone, is evident from his own words: "Art alone cannot produce a substantial form". (Non est probatum hoc quod educitur de plumbo esse aurum, eo quod sola ars non potest dare formam substantialem — De Mineral., lib. II, dist. 3).
Roger Bacon and Albert proved to the world that the Church is not opposed to the study of nature, that faith and science may go hand in hand; their lives and their writings emphasize the importance of experiment and investigation. Bacon was indefatigable and bold in investigating; at times, too, his criticism was sharp. But of Albert he said: "Studiosissimus erat, et vidit infinita, et habuit expensum, et ideo multa potuit colligere in pelago auctorum infinito" (Opera, ed. Brewer, 327). Albert respected authority and traditions, was prudent in proposing the results of his investigations, and hence "contributed far more than Bacon did to the advancement of science in the thirteenth century" (Turner, Hist. of Phil.). His method of treating the sciences was historical and critical. He gathered into one vast encyclopedia all that was known in his day, and then expressed his own opinions, principally in the form of commentaries on the works of Aristotle. Sometimes, however, he hesitates, and does not express his own opinion, probably because he feared that his theories, which were "advanced" for those times, would excite surprise and occasion unfavourable comment. "Dicta peripateticorum, prout melius potui exposui: nec aliquis in eo potest deprehendere quid ego ipse sentiam in philosophia naturali" (DeAnimalibus, circa finem). In Augusta Theodosia Drane's excellent work on "Christian Schools and Scholars" (419 sqq.) there are some interesting remarks on "a few scientific views of Albert, which show how much he owed to his own sagacious observation of natural phenomena, and how far he was in advance of his age. . . ." In speaking of the British Isles, he alluded to the commonly received idea that another Island — Tile, or Thuleexisted in the Western Ocean, uninhabitable by reason of its frightful clime, "but which", he says, has perhaps not yet been visited byman". Albert gives an elaborate demonstration of the sphericity of the earth; and it has been pointed out that his views on this subject led eventually to the discovery ofAmerica (cf. Mandonnet, in "Revue Thomiste", I, 1893; 46-64, 200-221).

Albert and Scholastic philosophy

More important than Albert's development of the physical sciences was his influence on the study of philosophy and theology. He, more than any one of the great scholastics preceding St. Thomas, gave to Christian philosophy and theology the form and method which, substantially, they retain to this day. In this respect he was the forerunner and master of St. Thomas, who excelled him, however, in many qualities required in a perfect Christian Doctor. In marking out the course which other followed, Albert shared the glory of being a pioneer with Alexander of Hales (d. 1245), whose "Summa Theologiae" was the first written after all the works of Aristotle had become generally known at Paris. Their application of Aristotelean methods and principles to the study of revealed doctrine gave to the world the scholastic system which embodies the reconciliation of reason and Orthodox faith. After the unorthodox Averroes, Albert was the chief commentator on the works of, Aristotle, whose writings he studied most assiduously, and whose principles he adopted, in order to systematize theology, by which was meant a scientific exposition and defence of Christian doctrine. The choice of Aristotle as a master excited strong opposition. Jewish and Arabic commentaries on the works of the Stagirite had given rise to so many errors in the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth centuries that for several years (1210-25) the study of Aristotle's Physics and Metaphysics was forbidden at Paris. Albert, however, knew that Averroes, Abelard, Amalric, and others had drawn false doctrines from the writings of the Philosopher; he knew, moreover, that it would have been impossible to stem the tide of enthusiasm in favour of philosophical studies; and so he resolved to purify the works of Aristotle from Rationalism, Averroism, Pantheism, and other errors, and thus compel pagan philosophy to do service in the cause of revealed truth. In this he followed the canon laid down by St. Augustine (II De Doct. Christ., xl), who declared that truths found in the writings of pagan philosophers were to be adopted by the defenders of the true faith, while their erroneous opinions were to be abandoned, or explained in a Christian sense. (See St. Thomas, Summa Theol., I.84.5.) All inferior (natural) sciences should be the servants (ancillae) of Theology, which is the superior and the mistress (ibid., 1 P., tr. 1, quaest. 6). Against the rationalism of Abelard and his followers Albert pointed out the distinction between truths naturally knowable and mysteries (e.g. the Trinity and the Incarnation) which cannot known without revelation (ibid., 1 P., tr. III, quaest. 13). We have seen that he wrote two treatises against Averroism, which destroyed individual immortality and individual responsibility, by teaching that there is but one rational soul for all men. Pantheism was refuted along with Averroism when the true doctrine on Universals, the system known as moderate Realism, was accepted by the scholastic philosophers. This doctrine Albert based upon the Distinction of the universal ante rem (an idea or archetype in the mind of God), in re (existing or capable of existing in many individuals), and post rem (as a concept abstracted by the mind, and compared with the individuals of which it can be predicated). "Universale duobus constituitur, natura, scilicet cui accidit universalitas, et respectu ad multa. qui complet illam in natura universalis" (Met., lib. V, tr. vi, cc. v, vi). A.T. Drane (Mother Raphael, O.S.D.) gives a remarkable explanation of these doctrines (op. cit. 344-429). Though follower of Aristotle, Albert did not neglect Plato. "Scias quod non perficitur homo in philosophia, nisi scientia duarum philosophiarum, Aristotelis et Platonis (Met., lib. I, tr. v, c. xv). It is erroneous to say that he was merely the "Ape" (simius) of Aristotle. In the knowledge of Divine things faith precedes the understanding of Divine truth, authority precedes reason (I Sent., dist. II, a. 10); but in matters that can be naturally known a philosopher should not hold an opinion which he is not prepared to defend by reason ibid., XII; Periherm., 1, I, tr. l, c. i). Logic, according to Albert, was a preparation for philosophy teaching how we should use reason in order to pass from the known to the unknown: "Docens qualiter et per quae devenitur per notum ad ignoti notitiam" (De praedicabilibus, tr. I, c. iv).Philosophy is either contemplative or practical. Contemplative philosophy embraces physics, mathematics, and metaphysics; practical (moral) philosophy is monastic (for the individual), domestic (for the family), or political (for the state, or society). Excluding physics, now a special study, authors in our times still retain the old scholastic division of philosophy into logic, metaphysics (general and special), and ethics.

Albert's theology

In theology Albert occupies a place between Peter Lombard, the Master of the Sentences, and St. Thomas Aquinas. In systematic order, in accuracy and clearness he surpasses the former, but is inferior to his own illustrious disciple. His "Summa Theologiae" marks an advance beyond the custom of his time in the scientific order observed, in the elimination of useless questions, in the limitation of arguments and objections; there still remain, however, many of the impedimenta, hindrances, or stumbling blocks, which St. Thomas considered serious enough to call for a new manual of theology for the use of beginners — ad eruditionem incipientium, as the Angelic Doctor modestly remarks in the prologue of his immortal "Summa". The mind of the Doctor Universalis was so filled with the knowledge of many things that he could not always adapt his expositions of the truth to the capacity of novices in the science of theology. He trained and directed a pupil who gave the world a concise, clear, and perfect scientific exposition and defence of Christian Doctrine; under God, therefore, we owe to Albertus Magnus the "Summa Theologica" of St. Thomas.

About this page

APA citation. Kennedy, D. (1907). St. Albertus Magnus. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved September 14, 2009 from New Advent:
MLA citation. Kennedy, Daniel. "St. Albertus Magnus." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 14 Sept. 2009 .
Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Kevin Cawley.
Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. March 1, 1907. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
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