Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pin-Headed Scientists

A Note From Father Brian Harrison

You look at these brilliant new photos displaying the vastness of creation (, and you wonder how anyone could take seriously the Big Bang theory that all of this material and energy in the universe was once concentrated into a tiny point far, far smaller than the head of a pin! (And these are the same folks who ridicule the Church for supposedly debating how many angels could dance on the head of a pin!)

Fr. Brian

Robert Sungenis (Bellarmine Theological Forum) has further commented on this:


One interesting problem the BB's have had is explaining how Hubble can get such clear images of objects that are supposedly billions of light years away. All the images, those supposedly close and those supposedly far, have the same clarity.
Also, they have never been able to explain how the galaxies that they say are at the edge of the universe are fully formed, just as the galaxies close to us. The BB theory predicted that there should be no fully formed galaxies at the edge, since they would have had no time to develop into galaxies.
All of this, of course, gives evidence that the galaxies were created as they are at the same time, coincident with the Genesis record.

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