Sunday, May 19, 2013

"Our Science is God's Science": Sir John Houghton.


John Lennox Gods Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?

John Lennox has recently written an excellent book entitled “God’s Undertaker: Has Science Buried God?” It is a highly readable book that seeks to explore the relationship between Science and Faith. In recent days Richard Dawkins, a prominent Scientist and avowed opponent of all religion, has asserted that Science and Faith have been at war for centuries and that Science has been winning.

Lennox, a highly respected scientist, suggests that “(even though there) are scientists who appear to be at war with God (it) is not quite the same thing that science itself being at war with God”. Sir John Houghton, another eminent scientist, wrote “Our Science is God’s Science. He holds the responsibility for the whole scientific story ... The remarkable order, consistency, reliability and fascinating complexity found in the scientific description of the universe are reflections of the order, consistency, reliability and complexity of God’s activity”.

Here is a clear picture of the powerful influence of an underlying view of the world shaping the scientific endeavour. Part of the task at Covenant is to age appropriately explore the way in which our “worldview” shapes the way in which different people see the same thing. We try to show children clearly how to view the world through Christian eyes, and to encourage them to respond to it accordingly.

It is critical that we do not pretend that Science, or any other academic endeavour, is free from a worldview bias. This is in part the challenge that lies at the heart of Christian schooling.
Taken from:

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